Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I made it! I made it!

Hello everyone!

So, I will start this post with the beginings of my travels, which began with my departure from PDX.

On July 12th, I spent the day with my Uncle Bo in Los Angeles prior to my flight to Sydney. My flight from PDX to LAX was very nice. As I am sure the majority of you know, I was quite wary about the flight because the plane was incredibly small compared to the types of planes I usually fly. It was a small jet with the engines attached to the tail wing and seated only ~55 people. The flight was very smooth, and I arrived in LAX at 8:30am. Unfortunately, Uncle Bo got his times mixed up and thought that I would not arrive until 10:30. Considering his confusion and the fact that he was asleep in bed when I called, he arrived at the airport rather quickly. He then picked me up in my (prescription) drug-induced stupor and drove me to his Manhattan Beach home. I had never been to his house before and had not even been to LA since his wedding, which occurred when I was a mere two year old. After Uncle Bo gave me a quick tour, he went off to shower (as he literally had jumped out of bed to get me at the airport) and I turned on the TV. I was so exhausted from my waking up at 3am that I began to fall asleep. Uncle Bo came out ready and saw me asleep and told me I could nap in Aunt Pam's room. Most amazing bed I have ever slept on. Hands down.

Upon waking up, I freshened myself up a bit and Uncle Bo and I were off to a restaurant in Malibu. Unfortunately, the traffic was horrible, so he took me on a tour of LA instead. We drove both Sunset and Hollywood Blvds, where the Hollywood "Walk of Fame", the Kodak Theater and the Chinese Theater are all located (along with many of the sites shown during the opening credits of Entourage :)). It was a gorgeous day, peaking at about 95 degrees. After my tour of the city, Uncle Bo took me back to Manhattan Beach, and we ate at a restaurant named Hennessey's. I had a delicious burger, but unfortunately spilled mustard on my jeans: my FLYING jeans. For those of you who don't know, I am ridiculously superstitious when it comes to flying. I have to wear the same pair of jeans along with one of three "FLYING" shirts. It always has to be the same. I think it offers me some comfort because I figure if I've gotten to a destination wearing that outfit before, why not again? There's just a glimpse into my somewhat twisted mind. Now, back to the story. I was clearly distraught about spilling mustard on my jeans (assuming it was a bad omen), so Uncle Bo suggested we go back to his home, hang out, and wash my jeans.

We really just hung out (and I took a nap) until it was time for Entourage (AKA 7:30pm). It was the season premiere, and I was SO happy I saw it before I left. It was pretty good... not exceptional but good. It's always nice to know the boys are back.

After that, it was time for me to head over to LAX for my flight to Sydney. I was incredibly emotional, especially when saying goodbye to Uncle Bo. He started to cry too. He just kept saying how proud he was of me for taking this giant leap out of my comfort zone in going to Australia: it meant the world to me. He waited until I went through security, although he was outside where the cars park to drop people off (he wasn't allowed to come back there with me). I didn't even notice him until I was through security and made one fleeting glimpse toward the window. There he stood, waving. I immediately began to cry again. I maintained a stream of tears until I was up the escalator and walking toward my gate. I called mom once I sat down at the gate and began crying all over. These phone calls eventually culminated in me vomiting because of how intensely afraid I was (of the flight, of leaving the States, of leaving Uncle Bo, of leaving my family, of leaving my friends, etc, etc). After throwing up, I boarded the plane, texted mom and Jonathan and cried a little more.


Night flying is incredible. When we were taking off, I gazed out the window as we became surrounded entirely by stars. Balls of light trillions of miles away that seemed nearly reachable: as if I could pull down my window and touch one. Truly beautiful. Truly amazing.


The 14 1/2 hour flight went relatively smoothly, and I arrived in Sydney at 6am-ish local time. Even though I was continuing on on the same plane to Melbourne, I had to de-plane and re-board. It was actually a quite eventful landing. Some passenger in the back of the plane had some form of a heart attack or stroke or something and during the final minutes of our flight, the flight attendants came over the intercom, asking if there were any nurses, doctors, or paramedics on board. All of the passengers had to stay seated once we had landed so that the local paramedics could come through and get the man out of the plane (he was nearly in the last row of the 747, which is wayyyyy back in the plane). After he was taken off, we were informed that we were going to be "sprayed." It sounded awfully ominous, and everyone around me began freaking out a bit (myself included). It was finally explained to us that this meant all of our carry-on luggage was to be sprayed by bug repellent (weird, right?), so we had to sit even longer as the airport officials came on board and did that. Eventually they were finished "spraying," and we were able to de-plane.

What greeted me as I exited the plane into the Sydney airport was almost as horrifying as the previously described events: "Low" by T-Pain was playing over the airport intercom. I wanted to vomit again. I then had to go through security with my recently sprayed carry-on, all the while hearing "shorty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur..." After security, I went back to the gate where my plane was and waited to board again. The flight to Melbourne was a breeze, and no major crises happened. Upon arrival, I was greeted by La Trobe's shuttle service. Emmy (the other student from the U of O attending La Trobe this term) arrived shortly after I did, and we got on the shuttle together and were brought to our dorms. I unpacked and got situated. I met up with Emmy again, and we went to the Agora (kind of like the student union at the UO). We really did not do much that first day because we were so jet-lagged, but we did manage to make it to Target (yes, Target... in Australia) AND buy Harry Potter tickets online for the 1:45 showing the next day (the 15th). The Target was kind of shabby to be honest and not nearly as nice as the ones in the States. Nonetheless, I was able to buy a fan and a blow-dryer, which was all I needed. We then went to the adjacent grocery store named Cole's and picked up a few items. When we returned to campus, we ate dinner and went to bed. I fell asleep at about 9:30pm and woke up today at about 9:30am. Most amazing sleep ever.

Today (July 15th), I went into the Agora again with Emmy, and we both opened up our Australian bank accounts. We then departed campus to go see Harry Potter at a shopping complex named Greensborough. It was a pretty large and nice mall, but still a ways outside of the city. We got very lost using the public transportation on the way there, so we missed our showing but were able to swap our tickets for a later one, so all was good. Harry Potter was amazing!!! I loved it. After, it was about 5:45pm and the entire mall was shut down, except for K-Mart (Yes, K-mart... in Australia). The K-mart was actually very nice; it was like the Targets in the States. So, Target and K-mart are kind of reversed in niceness in Australia as opposed to how they are in the US. When we finished shopping, we went back to La Trobe. We decided to call it an early night (it's about 9:13pm right now), and thus why I am blogging. I have not yet gone into the city, but Emmy and I are planning to do that tomorrow.

Thus far, weird expressions the Australians use: 1) "chuck" for vomiting 2) They respond to "Thank you" with "It's all right".

That's all for now, but I am sure I will be writing again soon! Miss you all; update me on your lives when you get the chance :)

<3 Lauren

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren,

    Hey ya going? (Another one of those Aussie phrases) Connected with your mom on FB...can't believe she created a profile... and she gave me your blog link.

    How exciting to be studying abroad. Melbourne is a great urban city, more so than Sydney, but wish you were closer. You'll get the hang of the transit. Gil and I use it all the time in Sydney. It's easier than driving and trying to find parking. especially downtown.

    Enjoyed reading the blog posts and look forward to staying in touch. I requested a FB connect and Skype, too. Have a terrific week!
